Monday, June 16, 2008

After Father's Day!

Well here we are on the day after Father's Day. Time to take back the socks and underwear and get what we really wanted in the first place, tools!
We had a great service yesterday and congratulations to Wilfredo Gutierrez, $25 gift card, David Diaz de Leon, $25 gift card, Mark Campbell, $25 gift card and of course Dan Hamill, $175 gift card. All the gift cards were to Home Depot. Yeah! Every dad in attendance received their choice of two tools. Big smiles and happy faces all around.

Dad's are a special breed. Though they often get a bad rap in our culture. I really hate those commercials that make dad's or men in general look like oafs. Ugh!

As a re-cap from yesterday's message: Father's Day Blessings.
Fathers are entrusted in a special way to speak blessings over their children. Dr. Gary Smalley wrote a book entitled, "The Blessing." In it he examines the blessing that Isaac bestowed upon Jacob and it contained at least four ingredients that ought to be present in every home today. 

Today we look at the first ingredient: A meaningful touch. It's important to communicate love with words but especially by touch. Kids need lots of hugs whether they are 3 or 30. No matter the age it is important to communicate love and acceptance and affection in some meaningful way.
The bumper sticker had it right when it asked, "Have you hugged your kid today?" 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Father's Day service was really great! Worship was so powerful. I loved seeing all the men so excited to get their tools and hoping to win a home dept card. I am going to find Dr. Smalley's book "The Blessing" and read it. I want to share it with my husband and my own father. All through service I couldn't help but think of them and wish they could be there with us.