Monday, August 25, 2008

Wild and crazy days

Here's a photo of Mike & Susan Rawls. I think I'm starting to see a pattern between marriage and hair loss! I found out that several of our church family couples eloped (not all together). Mike & Susan eloped to Las Vegas but later renewed their vows in church after they were both saved. Don't they look so in love?

We do some crazy things in the name of love. Things can get a little hairy (pun intended) and maybe we just aren't thinking too clearly but somehow at times things turn out all right. It's not always this way. Sometimes things don't turn up so rosy but God is able to make all things work together for good for those who love the Lord. 

I want to pass on to you some good books to read on Marriage from Frank (of frank_n_lana fame) who has done years of counseling (not gone through it but rather he is the counselor).

Safe Haven Marriage by Sharon (Hart) Morris May.

How to Argue So Your SPouse Will Listen:6 Principles for Turning Arguments into Conversations by Sharon (hart) Morris May.

The Seven Principles for Making a Marriage Work by John Gottman.

Trading Places: The Best Move You'll Ever Make in Your Marriage (hardcover) by Les & Leslie Parrott.

The Way to Love Your Wife: Creating Greater Love & Passion in the Bedroom (Focus on the Family Books) by Penner and Penner.

Thanks Frank for the tips on good books. We can always improve our Marriages.

Keep those wedding photos coming everyone! So, anything wild and crazy you want to share about your nuptials? Let's keep it PG.


Anonymous said...

Susan, you look so beautiful and happy.


Anonymous said...

Susan, you look SOOO good in love. Girl, love your Farrah Facett flip and your million dollar smile. Mike, I can barely recognize you :)

Anonymous said...

Thanks Frank for book recommendations. We miss your blogging with us.

FranknLana said...

I want to thank Pastor Dan for sharing some of the books I recommended. I do hope those who don't read the blogs will be made aware of them. They are powerful relationship tools written by Christian authors though the one by John Gottman is not, it is still invaluable.

One of the things I remember most about my wedding day, which is humorous, is that the only piece of the delicious cake I had was the one Lana fed me!!!! I was so upset because we were pulled away to take pictures!! The nerve of my close friend and photographer. I still get on him to this day.

Truthfully, the most powerful memory I have of the wedding day is when the back doors of the church opened (Lana in all her drama was late as usual, just a little bit about her, she's a drama queen)my heart leaped. I cried for joy as she sashayed down the aisle. Like Solomon, my heart leaped within me as my lover came unto me. The presence and joy of the Lord was so powerful I couldn't stop crying for the next 5 minutes....... I was so happy and excited that when our pastor asked me to repeat after him, I blanked out. I blubbered the words. It was hilarious. Everyone was laughing including the pastor! One thing God has blessed me with in my life is the gift of humor, whether the humor comes from me or someone else. All I could do when all that was happening was picture God sitting on the Throne having a laughing fit!! God is awesome!!

Hey, we just celebrated 5 wonderful and blessed years of marriage this past weekend. We're still on our honeymoon!! I just want to thank the Lord for a godly, wonderful, humorous, supportive wife. You go God!!!

Anonymous said...

thats an awesome testimony Frank. I can just see you blubbering away... :)

Anonymous said... can tell that the two of you are still as in love as you were on your wedding day!!! :)