Friday, August 22, 2008

Thanks for the wedding photos. Keep them coming. Here are Chenoa and Jonathon King.

So young and full of hope. Marriage is a wonderful gift. When God created Adam it didn't take long to see that Adam being alone was not a good thing. So God created Eve, a perfect companion and helper for Adam.

Adam couldn't have been happier. He must have had as big a smile on his face as Jonathon does in this photo. 

Eve was so far above anything he had ever seen. She was in fact, perfect! And for whatever time they had before the fall life couldn't have been better.

In a way we too experience that feeling. We call it the "honeymoon". That period of time after the wedding when we sort of float around in a cloud and life couldn't be better. Every couple stays in that mode but for different times until something happens and then we realize that we cannot live in "honeymoon" mode all the time because life is hard and it wears us down.

I have found however, that although the honeymoon does come to a definite end the feelings can be recaptured over and over again all throughout your married life. It takes more work but it is well worth it. As you grow old together your love begins to mature and blossom into something much deeper, more lasting and you discover a fuller  and often more intense kind of love. 

With the divorce rate so high it is sad that many couple do not stick together long enough to discover that kind of meaningful love that is not dependent on circumstances, finances, or other superficial things but is built on understanding God's unconditional love for us.

That kind of deep love in our marriage can only be found when we have the Lord at the very center of our lives. He is the author of marriage. It was his idea! 


Anonymous said...

Jonathon and Chenoa - How many years have you guys been married? You guys still look exactly the same :) What a beautiful picture of the two of you.

Jonathon is always smiling every time I have ever seen him. Your marriage is a testament to how God designed the marriage to be. May God continue to bless you and your family always.

Chenoa said...

Jonathon and I have been married for 6 years on May 11. We LOVE it! Marriage has its challenges, but Jonathon and I are in this for life. Our agreement is "divorce it not an option".

Anonymous said...

That is exactly the attitude more couples today need to have.

Your son Nathaneal is also a testament of your putting Jesus first in your lives and marriage. At such a tender age he already loves the Lord. We can see it when we worship and he raises his hands in praise. Keep up the good parenting guys.

Susan said...

We have found that the key to a happy marriage is to put God first.
The key we use for romance is whenever we go to a new place [even if it is just a new store] one of us will say; "Have I ever told you that I love you in _____?" Then we kiss. Mike's favorite place was when Fry's opened. I'm kidding, I think both of our favorite place was Kauai. Bless U, Mike-n-Susan

Anonymous said...

awesome blog pastor Dan. Any relationship goes through cycles. It is natural. A lot of young couples today split up when the honeymoon phase comes to a grinding halt and the trials and tribulations of life set in. They never give true love the time to flourish and grow. True mature love is when we feel safe enough to be our truest selves. when we can be completely and honestly who we are. When we can be loved for who we are, not for who we're pretending to be. Each unveils the best part of the other no matter what else goes wrong around us, with that person we're safe in our own paradise sharing our deepest longings and our sense of direction.