Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Happy Anniversary!

Well we did it! We celebrated 29 years of marriage on October 20th. They said we were too young. We needed to finish college. We needed to wait. We didn't know what we were getting into. Marriage was for more mature adults. It would never last. I was 19 and she was only 17.

But we proved them wrong. We were and are so in love. It was our love for each other and for the Lord that has brought us this far. No, we didn't just survive 29 years hanging on by a thread. We have enjoyed the journey. In fact we have thrived and our love has grown deeper.

For better or for worse, in sickness and in health, for richer or for poorer, till death do us part.
It's called making a commitment. Yes,we were young and didn't know much about anything but we were committed to making it work. 

This year was different than other years. We stayed at home because Veronica had surgery so we celebrated by me giving her some pain pills and just holding hands quietly. I surprised her with a camera and she gave me some cologne. When she is better we will go out to Maggianos, Carrabbas or Perry's Grille and we'll celebrate with a scrumptious meal and stare deeply into each others eyes and still see that young foolish first love like in the spring of our lives together. 

I am so glad and blessed to be growing old together with the love of my life and enjoying life one day at a time. My advice for young couples considering the plunge into wedded bliss?

For the men, make her fall in love with you again. Keep sweeping her off her feet. For the ladies, keep making him crazy in love with you. Believe in him and stand by him.

For both of you, always keep the Lord at the center of your lives. 

How many years have you been married? How do you keep the flame burning?


Sam & Ester Puente said...

congratulations mom and dad!! you guys are a constant inspiration in our lives and an example of real commitment for us. thank you for staying together!!

sam and i have been married 5 years and 5 months! :) we "keep the flame burning" by getting a babysitter often so we can go out on hot dates and stay out late like we used know.."in the spring of our lives"..but seriously we just take our cues from you guys!

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful tribute to Veronica, your love and your lives together. After reading the "Happy Anniversary" blog a song narration came to mind. It is called Beyond The Sunset. The reason that song came to mind is not the losing a loved one it talks about but the beautiful love story...the journey together through life. It goes something like this.

Should you go first and I remain to walk the road alone I'll live in memories garden Dear with the happy days we've known
In spring I'll watch for roses red when fades the lilac bloom
In early Fall when brown leaves fall I'll catch a glimpse of you
Should you go first and I remain to finish with the scroll no lengthening shadows shall creep in to make this life seem droll
We've known so much of happiness and we've had our cup of joy
But memory is one gift of God that death can not destroy
Should you go first and I remain for battles to be fought, each thing you've touched along the way will be a hallow spot
I'll hear your voice and I'll see your smile and though blindly I may grope the memory of your helping hand will boil me on with hope
Should you go first and I remain One thing I'd have you do..
Walk slowly down that long, lonely path for soon
I'll follow you and I'll want to know each step you take that I may walk the same
Someday down that long, lonely road you'll hear me call your name...

There is music before and after the lyrics. George Younce sang or rather talked it out on Gaither's Going Home cd. It is such a pretty song. I cried my eyes out when I first heard it. It just broke my heart to think of living life without my Darling.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Pastor Dan, and Veronica !!! May the LORD bless you both with many, many more wedding anniversaries, and wonderful memories to come!!!

Pastor, thank you for your teachings on marriage, great support, and the Love that you have shown us.

I can proclaim that through your ministry, the LORD has blessed Gary, and I with a portion of wisdom and knowledge, that has been so helpful during our hard, and turbulent marital times. And the learning goes on...I must say.

How do we "keep the flame burning"?... We keep focus on open communication. Talk about anything, and everything. Gaze deep into each others eyes, and feel that love for one another.

Spontaneous, spur-of-the-moment
dates!!( even if it means meeting in the garage, lol )