Monday, September 8, 2008

You've Got Mail!

Ahhh! L'amour, L'amour. 
Gabriel and Jacqueline Terrel sealing the deal with a kiss. What a beautiful couple. 

If you haven't seen "Shop Around the Corner" you've probably seen "You've Got Mail" which is a remake with Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan. 

The excitement and anticipation of receiving an e-mail from someone they can really identify with and feel connected to can be powerful. There was a time when we wrote letters, you know, stamps, envelopes. Now referred to as "snail mail." Veronica actually has several of the letters I wrote to her when we were dating and some that I wrote to her after we were married. It's kind of fun to re-read them. They are so corny. Just because you are in love you don't all of sudden begin to write like Shakespeare.

The very first note I received was in third grade from my very first girlfriend. The note read, "Do you want to go steady? Check yes or no." There was a small box next to yes and a box next to no. Wow! Third grade and I was already a heart-throb! Of course I checked yes! That's all it took and we were officially boyfriend and girlfriend. That was about it. Nothing ever happened after that day. We were in grade school and that's as far as it got in grade school. But the memory of that note still lingers after all these years. 

Say, I have an idea! How about we actually get out some pen and paper and write one of those snail mails to our spouse, put a stamp on it, maybe a little perfume and actually mail it? I bet it will make their day.


Chenoa said...

To the new couple.Your picture that your parents put at church is so beauitful.

Anonymous said...

Congrats to Gabriel and Jacqueline Terrel on their marriage. Love the wedding picture. I really thought that picture in the foyer was on a magazine cover.

Pastor Dan, a heart throb by the third grade! That is funny.

I also have all the cards,letters, poems and songs my hubby has ever written me over the years. The very first thing he ever made me was this...He took a picture of me and cut out all kinds of roses and a swan out of magazines I guess. He glued the picture of me on the swan and put all kinds of roses encircling around me. He wrote on top of the page...A thing of beauty is a joy forever. Corny? Maybe so to everyone else but not to me. He even glued it to a piece of cardboard. I proudly hung that picture up and looked at it everyday. When my family came to visit us I showed them my picture that had been painstakingly made for me. They all laughed and thought we were corny. He for making it and me for proudly displaying it on the wall. I still treasure it, even more so than the day I received it so many years ago. You want to hear something just as endearing to me. I scraped together enough money to buy Amin a brown wallet from K-Mart for his birthday over 2 decades ago. Guess what wallet he still uses to this very day? Yep, the brown K-Mart wallet I bought for him. I used to belong to the catholic church back then and I also gave him this little metal medallion thing of a saint. He still carries that saint in his old worn out brown K-mart wallet. He loves that wallet not because it is fancy or some name brand (which it certainly isn't) but because I scraped the money together and give it to him for a birthday present.

I'm going to take Pastor Dan's advice and write him a snail mail love letter;) Only bad thing is he never saves them like me. He'll leave it laying around anywhere.

Anonymous said...

P.S. Lesson...preview before hitting publish your comment. I wavered between leaving my name and being anonymous. Sorry about accidently revealing you babe.