Sam & Ester Puente on their big day! Look at Ester's big smile. One of my little girls. Sam has the deer in the headlights look.
What about after the big day? You know when we wake up next to someone with no makeup. When we find out that they snore really loud and scary like. When we find out they drool, alot!
There are many surprises after the big day and it's all a part of the process of becoming one. Most times we simply become unglued!
The day before she was dressed in an expensive dress and tiara now she has her hair up in rollers, no makeup, no mascara, no perfume! Then the contacts come out. What? You mean your eyes are really not blue? Then the mud mask goes on.
Then he starts to leave his socks, shoes, and practically every other item of clothing right where he took them off. This ain't his momma's house!
And so the marriage begins....
I've been traumatized! How about you? How did it go with you the first few days after the wedding?
Ester and Sam you guys look awesomely handsome and in love.
Pastor Dan this is a loaded topic. People can get in real trouble here.
Sometimes I think God has an awesome sense of humor because once you're married there's a no return policy in effect. I never would have thought Lana used rollers, she had me fooled. During the honeymoon she just wrapped her hair with bobby pins and put a scarf on her head. I thought, how great, a normal bed time hairdo. That was great until our first night home. She came out of the bathroom with four inch rollers tucked under a head wrap! These weren't small rollers, these were the super-sized ones! I did a double take with my mouth on the floor! I thought, "the face is my wife's, the body is my wife's, but what happened to her head?" When she showed me the rollers I pictured alien ships refueling and stocking up on the mother ship! My wife's head is a refueling station!! I married the mother ship!! It took me a few weeks to get used to it, but I still crack up every time I see those super-sized rollers on her head. God definitely has a sense to humor. He holds back these comical and traumatizing things until after the honeymoon.
Yes, I can be a witness to the Trauma that happens after the big day. In our marriage I have done more damage to Frank than what he has done to me. I cant believe he is still sane.
I remember a few days after Frank and I returned from our Honeymoon I pulled out my HUGH rollers and his comments were "WHAT IS THAT". The poor guy was traumatized(I still wear them at night).
When we were dating I was very quiet and shy and ate like a bird. After the wedding he said I became the Road Runner(of the mouth),I talked him to death. Yes, I eat a lot now, not shy anymore.
It's amazing how we can become comfortable but thats what makes a marriage a marriage. Knowing that this person can be so different from you and yet they can still love you for who you are.
Oh, my goodness this is the first ever wedding photo I have seen fo you guys. Ester you look gorgious, I lOVE your dress and hair.
Ester, next time I go to your house I want to see wedding pictures. LOL
Finally, a wedding I attended. It seems like just yesterday. I remember thinking Ester was the belle of the ball. It was heartwarming to see Ester all grown up and becoming a wife. She was just a teenager when I first started attending Faith Temple. I remember the gym all decked out and looking like something out of a fairy-tale book.
Lana, it is so nice to finally hear from Frank's better half. You both have a great sense of humor. I enjoyed reading your blogs tonight.
Torturous for him. No hoochy koochie for over 2 months. Hey, what changed over night except a piece of paper. Don't they say patience is a virtue?
not sure if i wanna leave a comment after "anonymous" and their hoochy koochie troubles...but oh well. :)
our first night Sam hit me twice in his sleep as he was rolling over in bed, limbs flailing!! He jabbed me in between my shoulder blades and he woke me up by whacking me on the back of the head. I was definitely traumatized!!!
Ester, when an anonymous person speaks as the one above has, it speaks directly to the condition of their heart. Scripture says, "Out of the overflow of the heart, the mouth speaks." It is nothing personal about you or Sam.
Thanks for being courageous and sharing about Sam's fisticuffs :D
If anyone is interested I started a blog. I will try and put something out weekly. Here's the link
Blessings all.
Advocate for God, Sam and Ester,
I am sorry you all thought I was referring to Sam and Ester in my response to the blog. It wasn't meant that way. Sorry about that.
i didn't think you were referring to us..i figured it was your own story...i just think the word "hoochy koochy" is funny! :)
I didn't know how to take it but the hoochy coochy has a different meaning in NY and it's not good. Chalk it up to cultural differences ;-)
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