Wednesday, July 30, 2008

What's buggin' you?

There are over 950,000 species of insects. Bugs! We spray our houses, we use bug repellants, we put out traps, we wear special oils, ointments, creams and even special clothes all to ward off bugs.

Then there is the occasional news story of someone who was so fed up with bugs in their homes that they put out several cans of bug killer called bug bombs and then forgot to turn off the gas pilot on the stove and of course "kaboom!" House and bugs all gone now.

But remember that one man's bug is another man's lunch! Many cultures eat many types of bugs such as ants, grasshoppers, scorpions, spiders, rodents and yes even worms! Ugh!

Then there are the bugs that are really creepy until they morph into something absolutely beautiful like the butterfly pictured above.

Butterflies let us know that God can turn the ugly bugs in our lives into something beautiful. No, I'm not speaking about your husband or wife but about things that bug us like problems, difficulties and temptations.

The Word of God tells us in Romans 8:28, "And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them."

So before you go out and buy some bug bombs maybe God is just about to turn that ugly thing into something very beautiful. 


Anonymous said...

That reminds me... I need to spray my house for bugs!

Anonymous said...

We spray every 6 months, and it last from time to time. Right now I have these little tiny "sugar ants" that drive me crazy.
I think we all have our ugly times in life. Thank goodness mine was when I was younger I do not mean in our looks, but in our actions. But if we turn to God for everything and never turn back to our old ways then the Lord can easily turn us into what He has always wanted us to be "just as the bible intended"!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I just don't like insects...they really creep me out. I always used to kinda scream when I came across any. I noticed when the kids were small they were picking up my fear of insects so from then on I decided I'd scream then get the broom and kill it. when Cassie was living with us she would go to great lengths to save every bug and set it outside (away from my broom.) Anthony now has to save every bug and go on about how God made evry living thing and what right do you have to kill the bugs...
A few weeks back I bought some of those bug bombs or foggers. I didn't know anything about turning the pilot light off...thank God nothing blew up. Asif counted 12 of those big, huge outside cockroaches dead as a door nail.

I don't know Pastor...I just can't find it in me to praise God for the insects...not even the baby ones.