At creation like all other animals snakes were vegetarian and harmless. We find one in fact in the Garden of Eden having a conversation with Eve. She obviously was not afraid of it nor didn't think anything of talking to it.
However, that particular encounter turned out to be more harmful than Eve could ever imagine. God cursed the snake and from then on it was to slither along on the ground (did it walk upright before?) and God put a natural hatred of snakes between the woman's offspring and the snakes.
Our Lord Jesus Christ won the ultimate victory when he crushed Satan's head, that old serpent, on the cross and at the resurrection. The snakes remind us of his victory and ours as well.
Praise the Lord! Even for snakes.
Check out this short video of a very large python! Enjoy!
I hate snakes, the only good one is a dead one! I know that I need deliverance from fear, and am still waiting on God. You will enjoy this:
I was mowing the lawn on the rider, when I saw a ribbon snake. I chased it with the mower trying to kill it. Just as I approached it, the thing turned around and jumped up on the mower with me. I was so scared, I didn't know whether to jump off or what. While trying to see what the snake was doing, I ran into a tree and knocked the wheel off the mower. Of course the snake got away. Mike forbid me from mowing for a while, because he had to fix the machine......Susan
Oh Susan, that is the funniest story ever! Love it!
Pastor Dan, I love todays e-devo. It is really good. The whole time reading it I kept thinking to myself...Amin must read this! He is deathly afraid of SNAKES. Any kind of snakes, poisonous or not. That was UNTIL I saw the python video! He'll never go outside again after seeing that thing.
I have a little snake story. Amin loves gardening. He loves spending hours in the flower beds planting pretty flowers. While he was weeding and preparing holes for the new flowers he found a huge snake hole. He asked what could have made that hole. Not thinking I said maybe it was a snake. He freaked out and got a bunch of rocks and plugged that hole up with a long stick. The real funny thing was he made me stand right there by him. (Like I was going to save him if that snake appeared) Anyway, he never did finish that flower bed project. That was it for that flower bed. I had to smile every time I looked out the window and saw the half done flower bed and all those rocks jammed in that hole.
I too hate snakes. We have come across 1 or 2 garden snakes since we moved into our home a few years ago. I usually yell for Lupe to come and kill it (my hero). He often reminds me that God made them and they are a good thing because they eat rats and bugs (which I don't like either). I'm always complaining to God and asking What where you thinking? and then I am reminded that I'm sure I've encountered a few people in my lifetime that ask Him the same thing about me. (LOL)...Olga
OK, here is another snake story.
When I was a young girl living in Illinois our family went mushroom hunting. I was about 13. My sister Sherry and I somehow wandered off on our own and we had crossed a creek. We were just walking along and there was this snake curled up sleeping and we did not see it and stepped into the middle of it. When we realized what we had done and was petrified and could not move. We yelled for Dad and he was on the other side of the creek and kept yelling for us to just step away from the snake, but we couldn't move. Finally he had to come over and get us. From then on I watch very closely where I walk......Darlene
All these snake stories are interesting!! I have never met a woman that actually said "I really like snakes". LOL
aaww that was wrong Pastor Dan!! you know Amy and I were really into that video and jumped like crazy when that snake jumped at us.:)
We had snakes from the time our son was 7 until he moved out. I had king, boas, pythons and monitors. They are indeed incredible creatures.
Janis Garrett
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