Cats are more aloof and seem to require much less attention from their masters. But it is really hard to teach cats any really good tricks except for where to go potty. As it turns out my wife and some of the kids are allergic to cats. So we have a small dog. A toy rat terrier to be exact. McKinney is really a good dog and has been a pretty good pet. She is very friendly and finally house trained. She has a good disposition and rarely barks although the other day she saw a picture of Sam and Ester up close and she backed away slowly and began to growl. I'm not sure what that was all about.
What the dog thinks: Gee whiz, he feeds me, he bathes me, he makes sure I have plenty of water and he plays fetch with me and grooms me, he must be God!
What a cat thinks: Gee whiz, he feeds me, he bathes me, he makes sure I have plenty of water and he plays with me and grooms me, I must be God!
Thank God for the animals that bring such joy to our lives. Thank you Lord for out little McKinney.
What kind of pet do you have and what is it's name?
that was a good devo about pets our pet is also a dog his name is sonny he is a blondy scared of fireworks, thunder and lightning. he growls at other dog and people when they get on our lawn. He's a great dog and friend.
Thanks Anthony for calling our dog out on being afraid of a few things. No one is perfect...but our dog is near perfect! At least he is perfect for our family. He has grown into the perfect house dog as the years have rolled on by. (As a puppy and young dog he was rather wild and hyper. He used to chew things up and dig holes..argh!)Sonny always wants to lay by your feet or near you. He is trained and knows all kinds of tricks. He always seems to be smiling and happy.Sonny plays boxing with Amin. Amin gets a rolled up towel and punches Sonny. Sonny loves it.He gets all wild and play growls and acts tough and rough. Something I will never forget in my whole life was this...I had the worst day ever, was so upset and was crying softly to myself. Sonny came over to me and put his head in my lap and looked up at me with such understanding eyes. He leaned against me as if he was giving me a hug. That really confirmed to me that my dog is more than a mere pet. He is a part of my family and my best friend. I love my dog. I could go on and on.
Hey, I spotted McKinney's picture with the purple leash in the changing pictures of animals. Am I right? Am I observant or what.
I have a fish. He thinks, "Gee Whiz, he confines me to a tank in solitude. Forgets to feed me, clean my tank, or give me fresh water. He never plays with me. He's must be the Devil"
McKinney and the Puente family are not on speaking terms right now..just growling terms. just you wait till judah sees her...he'll shriek so loud she'll be sorry! :)
we don't have pets..they tend to....not survive around us. :)
Anonymous, that actually was a generic photo of a look-a-like. McKinney actually has a big spot on her back that looks like Mickey Mouse.
Plants also seem to "not survive" around the Puente house.
Just kidding :)
Don't give cats such a bad rap. My cat Ethyl (Lucy went to kitty heaven), will come when I clap my hands and call her, and she used to play catch with anything, now it is just her mouse. She will also walk with us on a leash. My son's cat plays tag with him. It is so funny, he will touch Tiger and say "Tag your it!" Then Tiger will chase him until he can hit him with his paw, then run as Ben tries to tag him back.
You guys are so funny. Enjoyed todays comments alot. Made me smile.
Jonathon does not want a pet at all. We used to have a short haired tabby named CHILI but had to get rid of her before Nathanael was born. I would LOVE another pet cat or small dog either is fine with me, but Jonathon says NO. So, I guess that means it is time for another baby. LOL
Chenoa, Tell Jonathon that a dog would be cheaper and no college expenses to speak of either.
Hey Big Daddy, A dog cheap? Now that's something to LOL about. Our family has a 100 dollar budget a month for our dog and we always go way over. They need tons of new toys, bones, treats etc. not counting their basic food. My spouse says no more pets after this expensive money pit kicks the bucket!
How dare he talk like that about my sugar plum.
Called Sister Delma and told her about Pastor Dan's e-devo. She wanted to tell her pet story. She goes over to her daughter in laws and grandkids house after church on sundays. They have a brown weiner dog (daushound) named Dixie. The family has to hold Dixie while Delma walks to the sofa or else she'll almost knock her over trying to jump up on her. Delma sits on the end of the couch and Dixie will run and jump in her lap and Delma will pet her. Delma says it is the funniest thing when Dixie turns around trying to get comfy because she is so long and much bigger than Delma's lap. Delma says, "I don't know who is more excited to see me that dog or my family."
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