Monday, July 21, 2008

Day Five of Creation

Genesis 1:20 "And God said, "Let the water teem with living creatures, and let birds fly above the earth across the expanse of the sky."

On the fifth day of creation our awesome God created all marine animals and birds.

There are over 29,000 species of sea creatures making them the most diverse group of vertebrates.

How many fish can you name?

Read Job 41 for a great description of a now extinct marine creature possibly a dinosaur, maybe a plesiosaur. 

Praise God for his diversity and abundance in making such wonderful sea creatures!


Anonymous said...

I'm going to read Job 41 and see if I think it describes a dinosaur. Pastor Dan, I sat and watched the right side column pictures of all the different sea creatures and birds for a long time and each picture was different than the previous picture. You really go the extra mile to make each days e-devo coordinate with pictures to take our reading and learning experience to the next level. Thank you for taking the time necessary to make the blog the best it can be.

Anonymous said...

leviathan-a wreathed animal, i.e. a serpent (especially the crocodile or some other large sea-monster)

plesiosaur- extinct for possibly 70 million years. A dinosaur that ruled the seas during the Mesozoic period. Many creatures survived the Great Extinction. ? Hmmm,

Anonymous said...

Question. If the earth is only 6,000 years old , then how can the plesiosaur that the bible describes be alive?

Pastor Dan said...

Here's an interesting link I came across by accident. Makes for interesting reading. Copy and paste this into your address bar. Pastor Dan.

Anonymous said...

Incredible! I went to the site you posted. I think this the part where the world says, "We now know."