Tuesday, July 22, 2008

"Captain!, There be whales here!"

We are all probably familiar with the story of Captain Ahab and the great White Whale, Moby Dick, and in case you don't remember the whale wins in the end. Some will also recognize the above title from one of the Star Trek movies of how Captain Kirk and his gallant crew of the Enterprise save the earth from it's own short sightedness, again, by going into the past to bring some whales into the future to repopulate the species. 

Whales are such magnificent creatures. The Blue Whale is long and slender. Weighs in at about 200 tons and can grow to over 110 feet long. It can swim at 12 mph and can go up to 30 mph for short bursts. It feeds on Krill (tiny shrimplike creatures) consuming up to 8,000 pounds per day! It can live up to 80 years and it's only natural predator is the Orca.

Some cultures were overwhelmed at such creatures and began to worship them. 

Romans 1:21-23 (nlt)
"Yes, they knew God, but wouldn't worship him as God or even give him thanks. And they began to think up foolish ideas of what God was like. As a result, their minds became dark and confused. Claiming themselves to be wise, they instead became utter fools. And instead of worshipping the glorious, ever-living God, they worshipped idols made to look like mere people and birds and animals and reptiles."

While observing the beauty of the whale and other creatures let us be careful to give praise to God for his wonderful creation and know that he took great care in creating them.

Just think how much thought he put into making you!


Anonymous said...

That was one of our blessings when we were in Kauai. We were able to stand at Lighthouse Point and watch the whales frolicking in the waves. We also had a Monk Seal decide to take a nap (for about 5 hours) on the beach by our condo. Enjoying God's creations is a blessing He has given us. We just have to remind ourselves especially during this focus on "Green", to worship the Creator and not the creation.

Sam & Ester Puente said...

yesterday Judah was so amazed at the waves of the ocean and we had such a great time walking along the beach. Judah told me "I love it!"...and I thought how awesome it was that the Lord designed his creation no only to provide for us but to bring us joy too.

first time I've ever thanked God for the waves of the ocean! :)

Anonymous said...

anonymous summed it all up best in the ending sentence!

I love the way kids derive such joy and happiness in everything around them. That is so precious.