Thursday, November 29, 2007

Good Morning!

Continued from Sunday's Message: T.G.I.F. - Thank God I'm Forgiven!

A man was caught stealing milk that had been delivered to a store. He had been arrested and he was taken before the judge. The judge asked him, "How do you plead?" There was only one way he could plead, because he had been caught in the act. He had to plead guilty. He asked for leniency for he had two small babies at home and nothing to give them and instead of seeing them starve he resorted to stealing. He said, "Judge, I plead for the mercy of the court."

The Judge said that since he had pleaded guilty, he had no alternative but to find the man guilty and he assessed a fine of $10. The man stood there, crestfallen, for he anticipated a jail sentence since he had nothing with which to pay the fine.

The judge got up, laid down his gavel, walked off the bench, walked over to the clerk's desk and paid the $10 himself, and set the man free. Then, he approached the man and gave him $100 to provide for his need.

There was no question of his guilt, nor of the justice of the sentence. And yet the one who had found him guilty was the very same one who paid his indebtedness in order that he might go free. But he didn't stop there he went further still by giving him more than what was needed.

That is the unbelievable payment Jesus Christ has made for us. Not only has he forgiven us our sins he has made provision for our salvation.


Pastor Dan
Faith Assembly
League City

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