Thursday, September 4, 2008

Growing Old Together

Ed and Mandy Huff celebrated their nuptials here at Faith. They make a handsome couple. Mandy's dress is beautiful.

There are a few lines in most wedding vows that go something like this: "For better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us part."

With the divorce rate being as high as 50% of all marriages even among evangelicals we have to ask ourselves if maybe we really don't understand exactly what we are promising each other on that special day.

One movie that I really enjoy and in fact I just saw it again last week (we have the video) is called "Shop Around The Corner" with a young Jimmy Stewart. In this movie the boss and owner of the shop discovers his wife is having an affair. When he learns of it from a private investigator he is shocked and he says, "I guess she just didn't want to grow old with me." It is a moving scene and a moving line. When we get married we hope and pray that the person we are marrying will be the person who will "grow old" with us. The person who will be there through thick and thin (hopefully more thick than thin). The person who will look after us when we are sick. The person who will split the last sandwich when money is scarce.

I truly believe that this is exactly what God had in mind. We don't need to lower our standards just because our society has come to expect much less of marriage. Mostly we simply expect them to make us happy and when they don't we go looking for someone who will.

The true joy of marriage is in sharing the journey of life with all of its ups and downs together with our soul mate. Growing old together is just what God had in mind. 


Anonymous said...

Pastor Huff and Mandy you guys look like teenagers. I love that you said your vows in our home church. What a gorgeous dress Mandy. You look like a princess : )

Anonymous said...

Isn't that the most handsomest groom you've ever seen. I don't think I have ever seen a more beautiful bride. Am I prejudice? No, just telling the truth.

Sam & Ester Puente said...

mandy you are gorgeous darling! i loved the green punch at the reception..good times! :)

Anonymous said...

Mandy, I had forgotten how most beautiful you looked on your Wedding day!!! And how proud I was ( and still am :-)on that day, for both of you...!!! just as if you were my very own daughter getting married. Wow, a precious unity designed by God.

Love you both so much!!

Anonymous said...

ya'll are too kind

FranknLana said...

Well, this has been a wonderful experience on the marriage blogs. It seems to have taken enough importance to warrant its own blog link. Praise the Lord! It is exciting to see how energetic and proactive y'all (that's my first y'all) are concerning marriage. It's is positively encouraging to see.

Pastor Dan, thank for putting all the photos together. It has really helped Lana and I to put names and faces together. God is really helping us through this upcoming transition in advance. Isn't that just like Him to prepare the way??!!

We finally made it home at 4am this morning. We took a slight 100 mile detour through Kentucky, I (Frank) missed the exit! I admit it, ok??!! I missed the exit. There was no mutiny thank God :D

I wanted to share a few statistics with you to the shame of evangelical Christians. Here they are:
* 11% of the adult population is currently divorced.
* 25% of adults have had at least one divorce during their lifetime.

This is the eye opener:
** Divorce rates among conservative Christians were significantly higher than for other faith groups, and much higher than Atheists and Agnostics experience.

Here's the break down:
Denomination (in order of decreasing divorce rate)

Non-denominational ** 34%
Baptists 29%
Mainline Protestants 25%
Mormons 24%
Catholics 21%
Lutherans 21%

I applaud all of the married couples, especially those who have wanted to give up but have found God faithful to give them strength and grace amidst the tears.

We need to keep in prayer those who wish to give up on their marriages. We all need to be the light of Jesus to the world through our relationships to one another and to those still without Christ as Savior.


Anonymous said...

AMEN Frank! Thank you for saying that. You know every marriage photo Pastor Dan posted is of couples who are happy, harmonious and going strong. It's fun to look at each others wedding photos and see how we've changed through the years but we do need to remember and pray for those marriages that are not or maybe just hanging on by a thread.

Susan said...

Mandy, you are still just as beautiful inside and out. I know that everyone would agree with me that Mandy is a very anointed signer, and an additional blessing to the praise group. Frank, isn't Kentucky beautiful? Mike and I both would tell you that if it weren't for Jesus in our lives, we would probably not have made it to the wedded bliss we have today. As they used to say; "Ain't love grand?" Love isn't love without the sacrifices noted in 1 Corinthians 13:4-8. Bless U, Susan

Chenoa said...

Mandy, I hope you get this I am late in reading. Your wedding dress is so pretty. You guys looks amazing.