Friday, August 29, 2008

The Kiss

Lupe and Olga Sanchez makin' out under a tree. Sometimes you just need to grab her and kiss her real good and hard. Way to go Lupe!

We got some good advice from everyone. If you missed it you can still read the blog and the comments.

One thing that is often overlooked in talking about marriage is the importance of self-care.

We can certainly go to either extreme when it comes to this subject. On one side we have husbands and wives who seem to only think about themselves. The weekend comes and they are off with their fishing, hunting  or bowling buddies or just hanging out with the girls, shopping of course and leaving their poor spouses to fend for themselves. This is definitely not healthy for the marriage and it leaves the door open for the enemy to send  someone else along who wants to spend time with that person. 

Then of course you have the person who loses themselves in their spouse until they have no identity of their own. Some lose themselves in their kids and completely shut out the spouse. 

There is of course a balance and that is what we must strive for. I want to focus on just one aspect and later we can look at the other side of the coin.

Personally I need time for myself. I definitely got married because I didn't like being alone. I enjoy spending as much time with Veronica as possible. However, I recognize that I need to get off by myself to do so serious fishing or play a round of golf or just go shopping for tools at Home Depot or Lowes. I also know that Veronica needs to go catch a movie with her girls or go shopping. 

It helps us get a fresh perspective. What ends up happening is that we then look forward to our time together. 

There is a lot more to this issue of self-care and I'll share some more later. For now I would like to know how you spend some time just for you.


Chenoa said...

HUM what do I do for me......I never buy new clothes. So, I saved up a little money and bought a new outfit for church. I wore it last week. Jonathon goes to play golf and attends the mens bible studies if he gets the chance.
I also take bubble baths. When Jonathon gets home after we eat sometimes I tell him I need 15 minutes for me. He completely understands.

Anonymous said...

Chenoa, girl..You only take 15 minutes for yourself after taking care of your 2 year old son all day? Now I feel really bad.

Ah... the kiss! ...and I'm not talking Keep It Short and Simple.
It's an art within itself dear husbands. Take the time to perfect all the different kinds of kisses and you'll be glad you did :)
Can I share my most memorable kiss?
Picture this, I'm forbidden to date (17), secret boyfriend is alot older and a bad element (gunslinger). One day in the pouring rain, in front of my best friends house (her mom and my mom were friends) he stops his car, gets out and grabs me. I yell...Are you crazy? That is my friends house, her mom is home. He says nothing and grabs me tightly and plants the longest, hardest kiss on me. It was certainly memorable since that kiss was 21 years ago and I still can close my eyes and remember it vividly today!

Lupe and Olga you two look like you should be standing on top of a wedding cake. Que Romantico!!!

How I spend time just for me? HHmmm, well alot. I see every movie that interests me. I read alot. Like Chenoa, I take bubblebaths...sometimes 2 hours long reading or listening to music. I go to concerts or out to lunch with an old friend. Sometimes, I go to my friends house and we talk and talk and she cooks us a nice meal. Sometimes I like to shop. I take my dog on a long walk. Go for a long drive to Galveston and sit on a secluded part of the beach by myself. I do whatever I feel like doing. Get my nails done...etc. My spouse doesn't do any of these things by himself. On one hand, I'm glad he is always at home with the kids and I but, then again he needs some down time too. He works, works, works and that is it. On the weekends he is always with the family. He doesn't like to be alone. We enjoy being together. We have fun no matter where we are. I love to spend time with him. He goes to the movies with me and we hold hands. I think I enjoy that more than watching the movie :)

Chenoa said...

Olga and Lupe your picture is so beauitful.
So, can the anonymous person that has made comments reveal themselves? LOL I never see the need to be anonymous anyway.
Jonathon and I are like this anonymous person we LOVE spending our time together, as soon as Nathanael goes to bed we chill watch a movie or just hang out. Sometimes we play cards.
I do my own nails I do not like spending money when I can do it myself. I also do my own hair or Ester does it for me. I love cooking so we do not eat out much. Oh, I do have lunch with my friends from time to time, but it is during the day and Nathanael is always with me, so I guess I am not really alone with my gal friends. LOL
Oh, sometime I some of my girl friends have girl night and we watch a movie or just chill.

Anonymous said...

Lupe and Olga, what a gorgeous wedding photo. I love it! Makes me want to get married all over again.

After reading today's blog I called up Sister Delma and read her the blog and asked her what she does for time for herself. She made me laugh when she said...sleep all day, and take tylenol for my aches and pains. I had a good laugh. I told her not now but back when Lloyd was living. I know he would go out in his shed and do wood working and carpentry type stuff. What would she do...only her by herself. She used to do ceramics. She'd sit for hours and make stuff and then go home and after dinner she'd sit till all hours of the night doing ceramics. If you know Delma at all you know she is a night owl. This is where that came about. She has all kinds of beautiful ceramic pieces around her house that she has made. She gave me the prettiest deviled eggs platter she made and a deer. Sister Delma is so talented in that area.

P.S. Incase Jennie R. reads this...not deviled eggs but angel eggs as she has renamed them. :)

Anonymous said...

anonymous bloggers like to be just that.

Anonymous said...

Interesting blog today pastor Dan. Hey, I have an idea for what I am going to do for some good me time soon. I just went and got the mail and here's this postcard from Galveston Summer Musicals presents The Johnny Cash Show. Aug. 27-31 Moody Gardens Convention Center-Expo C starring The country's leading Johnny Cash Tribute Artist Dan Whyms with the original Rock Island Line Band. Las Vegas comes to Galveston! Wow! I wish my dad lived nearby so I could take him. I grew up listening to the man in black. Amin and the boys actually really enjoy Johnny cash's music so maybe they will come with me. It's going to be a blast. I can't wait. Amin and I were going to go to the Coushatta casino this summer to see the Elvis show that was playing. I really wanted to that one but it never panned out for us. Hopefully, this one will.

Anonymous said...

I like to to go shopping...the mall, JoAnns, Hobby Lobby, SteinMart, Tuesday Morning, Garden Ridge and yes all in the same day. I come home exhausted, but appreciative that Lupe is willing to tend to the kids on his own. He is such a good husband (mi tesoro) and dad he will bathe them, read to them,pray for them and tuck them in. I don't have to do a thing after a day of shopping. Lupe on the other hand likes to do anything basketball, golf, and go to any game. He is going to the Astro's game tmrw and is taking our oldest son Cristian. They are both very excited (it'll be my turn to watch the kids).

FranknLana said...

What do I do for myself? Like Pastor Dan, I need alone time. When I first walk in the door I usually kiss my wife if she's home then I need about 15-30 minutes to unwind. I like to journal out my day and my thoughts and keep a running log. processing my day on paper helps me to think things through and get everything out of my system..... If I have time in the mornings, I'm off to the gym for a couple of hours three times a week if possible. Exercising is good for me to get out stress. One day a week I'm out playing racquetball with my close friend Greg. It's about a 30 minute rode to the courts, so I have time to chat with Greg and process some of the events of the week. We usually play racquetball for a few hours, so I'm completely exhausted when I get home. I'll dig into the Word for a bit and then grab a commentary and let the Lord speak to me.... I'm really into music and singing, so sometimes I'll whip out my guitar and play as the Spirit leads me. Other times I may just have a one on one worship service with the Holy Spirit.... Other times I may just go for a long walk by the ocean and meditate on the beauty of God's creation which always centers my soul and refreshes me.

Susan said...

Olga, Chenoa, Veronica, & Jenny, you are just as beautiful now as when you got married. No sign of age....How do you do it?
Mike plays golf and I shop. I like your plan Olga, call me and I will buy you lunch. Since all of our children are grown, the grandchildren are finally living with their families, and Mike is currently working (he is a retred - retired but working contract), I have time by myself. It is however usually taken with Bible & prayer time, Word for the Day, Kidzone stuff, house work, pool cleaning, yard work (for Mike - I used to mow the grass for him until the snake issue and the lost wheel). If there is any spare time I work on the stained glass. Sometimes when the glass cuts right and the solder seams right, that is my special time. My favorite part is designing the glass pattern. By the way I am not really good at the glass (ask to see Pastor's crooked eagle). Since my shop is in the garage (the grinder spits glass, and the chemicals stink) I don't work on it unless it is less than 80 degrees and higher than 60. Colder weather makes the glass fragment and hotter weather makes me sweat (can be dangerous holding glass with slippery hands). Face it ladies any quiet time to read or think (or not) is special. Sorry this isn't short Pastor. Stay safe from the storm and have a blessed day. Bless U, Susan

Susan said...

PS...Love the Niagara Falls picture. It is a romantic place, but I liked the Cumberland Falls in Kentucky best, it is a National Park (less touristy) with a nice Lodge on the river by the falls. You can give your beloved a kiss after watching the moon-beam - a moon made rainbow in the falls.