Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Marriage was God's idea!

Speaking from the Book of Genesis chapters 1 and 2 we find that God had an idea on how to solve Adam's problem of not finding an adequate helper after naming all the animals. God's solution to the problem was simple.

"I will create a helper for him." Adam was put into a deep sleep and God went right to work. He took a rib from Adam and formed woman from that rib.

Matthew Henry wrote in his commentary, "If man is dust refined then woman is dust twice refined."

"If man is the head, she is the crown, a crown to her husband, the crown of visible creation."

After God was finished he brought Eve to him. Kind of like a father walking his daughter down the aisle at a wedding ceremony.

Imagine Adam's surprise, wonder and delight when he saw the perfect woman, Eve, coming to meet him.

Marriage was God's answer for Adam's problem of loneliness. Take a few moments today to thank God for your husband or wife. It was our heavenly father's wish that we would have someone to share our struggles and our triumphs with.

I simply cannot imagine my life without my darling Veronica by my side. She is my everything. One day I'll read her the notebook.


Sam & Ester Puente said...

yesterday i was feeling very sick and Sam gallantly came home from work to take care of the kids and me all day. He is my hero. he let me know by his actions that he is putting me as his top priority. i feel like a queen. :)


Anonymous said...

Ester, that is awesome girl. I hope you are feeling better. GO SAM!!!!!
Pastor, yesterday I wrote down all the points for wives and husbands. Then Jonathon and I went home and circled the ones that we can do better at.
When Jonathon and I go on dates which is once a month. We always discuss what can we do better in our marriage and what we have both improved on. This helps us to make sure we are both happy and continue loving each other with all our hearts!!





Anonymous said...

Sunday during the sermon Pastor Dan mentioned that there is no perfect marriage. Well, I thought about that awhile and I just have to differ... Amin honestly, is just about close to perfect as a husband, father, brother, friend. I think our marriage would be almost perfect and ideal if you didn't add me in the equation. :)

Anonymous said...

the notebook...the great epic love story between allie and noah. i love that movie. every woman is wired to love romance and being in love. years ago when watching that movie my soft hearted hubby just bawled his eyes out at the ending part. he claimed he had a speck of dirt in his eye :) i really believe we must leave this world together if i cannot go first. for the simple reason that i cannot live without him. have you heard of those old couples when one dies the other quickly follows. as much as my hubby gets on my last nerve half the time...i simply cannot live without him.

Anonymous said...

No Monica, Amin can't be the perfect husband, because Mike is! Sara said so! We all have perfect husbands, because they are made in God's perfect image. It is freedom of choice that sometimes trips us up. Marriage is a sacrifice of me for thee! Paul said it best concerning marriage: "Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself for her." "Wives submit to your own husband, as to the Lord." If we love each other in the purity of Christ, then the marriage will be perfect. It really is that simple. No matter what you live with: And above all things have fervent (enthusiastic, passionate, ardent, zealous, fanatical) love for one another, for “love will cover a multitude of sins.” Thank You Lord for being the Author and Finisher of my marriage. - Susan

Anonymous said...

Susan, our great teacher, sister and friend. Thank you for your response. I love it...a sacrifice of me for thee. I will remember that always. You know me... all day and night I have been thinking of my special song I've had for my husband for 20 years. An old George Jones song.

Picture of Me Without You

Imagine a world where no music was playing
Then think of a church where nobody's praying
If you've ever looked up at a sky with no blue
Then you've seen a picture of me without you
Have you walked in a garden where nothing was growing or stood by a river where nothing was flowing
If you've seen a red rose unkissed by the dew
Then you've seen a picture of me without you
Can you picture heaven with no angels singing or a quiet sunday morning with no church bells ringing
If you've watched as the heart of a child breaks in two
Then you've seen a picture of me without you

FranknLana said...

I cannot tell you how wonderful my Lana is. I thank the Lord for her all the time. I don't know where I would be without her. She has gone through many physical battles in the past 18 months and she has never lost her faith. She's a trooper of faith and a fountain of unconditional love.