Our moon is about 1/4 the size of Earth. It is the 5th largest natural satellite in our solar system. Because the moon does not rotate on its axis we always see the same side. There are about half a million craters that are more than 1 mile wide. The largest crater is 52 miles wide!
The moon has about 1/6 of the Earth's gravity. I weigh 160 lbs. but on the moon I would only weight 27 lbs.
Probably the most interesting fact about the moon is that it only reflects about 7% of the light it receives or about the same as a lump of coal. The reason it seems so bright is because it is surrounded by complete darkness so it looks brighter.
Jesus said in Matthew 5:14-15 that we are the light of the world and that we should let men see our good works so they may praise our heavenly Father.
Because we are surrounded by spiritual darkness it becomes even more important for us to let our little light shine.
I want people around me to offer praise to God for my shining light, how about you?
Lots of new and interesting facts about the moon I didn't know.
I have a question for Pastor Dan. Matthew 5:14-15 says we are the light of the world and that we should let men see our good works so they may praise our heavenly Father. Does that mean when we learn about a need someone may have or when we pitch in and give a hand or whatever the case may be...that we are the extensions or hands and feet of the Lord...and that the help given was from Jesus himself coming through us. These good works are not brownie buttons but God working through us which is why the praise goes to our Heavenly Father?
Monica, That's exactly right. Imagine someone thanking God and praising him for something you did for them in their time of need. I know many of our Seniors at Faith praise God for you and all you do for them. Keep up the good works! You are letting your light shine brightly
Thank you Pastor for your kind words. I wasn't fishing for a compliment but all the same you made my day.
Our senior saints are some of my best friends and mentors in my life. They have such love, wisdom, and knowledge about life, and they cover me and all our church family and friends in prayer every day. They always want and welcome your presence, will sit for hours talking, laughing, listening to music etc. I too, thank God for their kindness and friendship towards me. I see Jesus in them every time I talk with them.
I agree with Monica and want add that it is your intentions in doing good deeds is what really counts. The best deeds are the ones which are done to please God and God only. These are deeds that only you and God know about, even the receipient of the deed is clueless as to who has helped him or her. These are the deeds that are rewarded a million fold, not only in this world but in the hereafter.
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