Thursday, July 10, 2008

More on the Moon

From Sunday's Message: Day Four of Creation.

The temperature on the moon during the day can be up to 265 degrees Fahrenheit and at night it cools down to -245 degrees Fahrenheit. It's atmosphere is so thin as to be negligible.

Although it is basically a lifeless rock floating around our Earth it still has some very important features. The moon affects the ebb and flow of our tides. It's gravitational pull on Earth helps to keep Earth tilted at a perfect angle on it's axis. It also marks off our seasons and of course it reflects the light of the Sun. We need the Moon.

Bottom line is that you don't have to be spectacular to have a design and a purpose. Often we feel that we are too plain or not talented enough to make any difference in this life but all we have to do is look up at the moon and see that even the very plainest amongst us can make a huge difference in the lives of others. The very least we can do is reflect the light of God's Son to those around us.


Anonymous said...

As a plain and untalented person, just a person who is determined to do my best. I can identify with this! I think that is all God ask, is that we do our best for His glory. Susan

Anonymous said...

Is the previous Susan, Susan Rawls? I can't believe someone so gifted and talented in so many ways would see herself as plain and untalented. We all have special gifts and talents that make us unique to the body of Christ. Some like our teacher Susan have been given many gifts. Susan's e-mail ministry has touched my life, my husbands life as well as some of my family members life on a daily basis. Because of her ministry many people outside of a church setting are receiving God's Word. Thank you Susan for going the extra mile for Jesus.