On day six of creation week God creates all land animals. One of my favorites is the Lion. My last name, Diaz de Leon, means day of the lions. When you add that to the meaning of my first name, Daniel - God has judged me, then the meaning of my full name, Daniel Diaz de Leon translates into "God has judged me in the day of the lions." Cool, huh? Just like Daniel in the lions den from the Bible story.
Lions are so majestic. They look so furry and cuddly yet they also look ferocious!
Jesus himself is called the Lion of the tribe of Judah. The Lion of the tribe of Judah has roared over this congregation and has decreed blessing and growth!
Take time this week to praise God for the animals he has created.
Which is your favorite animal and why?
My favorite animal is the DOLPHIN it is graceful, smart, and can kick a sharks booty if it needs to.
My full name is Chenoa Mica King. Chenoa means:(white dove) Mica means:(poor, humble) King means:(ruler). So I am a dove,poor but humble, and a ruler. What can I say I LOVE being me!!!!!!
Thanks Pastor LION for sharing your thoughts!
Interesting! Pastor would your kids say that your roar is worse than your bite? My name is Susan Irene Rawls. It means Lily Peaceful Dweller by the deer meadows. My favorite animal is the Humming Bird. It is tiny 3-4", weighs approx 0.21oz, very colorful, the wings beat 53 times a second, it has extremely short legs but can scratch its head and neck by raising its foot up and over its wing and it is very independent. It is unique in that it can hover and fly backwards. At least 70% of its time is spent singing, self-preening, and sunbathing.
My favorite animal is also the lion. they are so strong and beautiful.
Wow Chenoa, I love the meaning of your name. It's beautiful. Can a dolphin really kick some shark booty? They seem so playful and docile.
Susan, love the meaning of your name too. Did I ever tell you my moms name was Irene? Lily Peaceful Dweller by the deer meadows sounds native american doesn't it? I wonder what my name means? I'm going to check around the internet and see if it means anything in particular. Guess what? Pastor Lion mentioned in his sermon yesterday about how the hummingbird flys backward. I always think of you and Grannie when I see anything having to do with a hummingbird.
I love your name Noemi! What is it's meaning? I bet is means something pretty. Last night I listened to Day 5 of creation sermon cd. I was blown away with Noemi and the choirs rendition of The Sparrow! It is so breath taking. I could pick every singer out. The song went perfectly with what Pastor was preaching about. I wished I could have heard it live. You are so blessed with such a beautiful and powerful voice. Your name just has to mean something about a beautiful voice or something having to do with music!
Oh, my favorite animal is my dog Sonny. He is the best dog ever! I really love baby animals the most. They are so cute and cuddly and fuzzy...you just want to squeeze them. I also like baby chimpanzees and orangatans (sp)they are just so darn cute.
Me again...I checked around and the meaning of my name Monica means advise, counsel in Latin and solitary in Greek. Hmm I wonder if my dad knew that. He picked my name.
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