In Day Three of Creation God creates the land and separates it from the oceans and seas. He also creates vegetation including seed-bearing plants, trees, etc.
The list of things included on this day of creation is extensive. It includes fruits, vegetables, grasses, herbs, spices, flowers, nuts, vines, shrubs and tress.
We need vegetation to survive in many different ways. We know that vegetation serves as a water filter purification system for the cycle of rainfall. We use plants for fuel and energy, lately ethanol made from corn.
We need the chemicals in plants for healing our bodies when they are sick.
Bottom line is that God didn't just create a few things but rather a plethora of vegetation each with specific purposes and uses for his coming creation of animals and humans.
Think about that the next time you find yourself short in paying the bills. God has already provided more than enough to meet your need. Simply trust him to send it in your direction in response to your obedience in giving.
I have enjoy the messages these past few weeks. Creation is something not to many pastors teach from their pulpit, other than to say G-D created the heavens and the earth. I'm glad our Pastor is going into such detail. Pastor Dan is giving our young people something to combat the teaching from school. Dad's and Mom's, re-inforce this teaching at home, and equip your kids for next years classes.
We have enjoyed the messages also. Wonder where you got the picture. It looks like a place in Kauai where they filmed a Jurassic Park scene. You know that the teachers are mandated to teach about evolution in the schools, but creation is banned? No wonder our kids are have a problem with reality! It would be a good thing for the parents to have the school age kids who aren't in the sanctuary to read the Pastor's Blogs!
True. Our kids need to hear and learn what the Bible and God says about His creation and be equipped to stand up for it in school.
Good idea anonymous 1! Did all the kids miss getting a banana during service? They would have loved that. We have alot of fun in church and we learn alot every sunday too. Hey, are those bananas in the picture growing the opposite way they hang on our kitchen banana tree? See what I retained from Sunday! Pastor Dan will be so proud.
We do need to be reminded that ALL our needs are provided for...maybe not all our wants...but certainly all our needs. Thank you God for that. So many times we grumble and complain wishing we had this or that or could go here or there. It puts our focus on what we don't have and we can forget to see all the ways God is providing for us each and everyday.
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