Friday, June 20, 2008

And finally...

We've looked at four ingredeints that Dads (and moms too!) need to have in their homes to bless their children.
1. A meaningful touch.
2. A spoken message of affection and love.
3. Attributing of a high value.
4. The picturing of a glorious future.

I consider my job as a Dad (in case anybody wants to know) as instilling in my children first and foremost a deep love for God, His Word and His church. Second, I try to instill in my children that they are unconditionally loved and accepted by me and their mother too. Third, I try to give them all the skills needed to become independent, responsible adults. I trust them to make good choices and I don't get too bent out of shape when they make a few mistakes along the way. How else will they learn unless they fail a time or two? There are things that can only be learned in failure.

Life is more than just getting to the finish line. It's all about the journey. It's a journey of discovery. I heard a great quote on the news on TV the other day that really stuck in my head so I can't take credit for it.

"Life is not so much about waiting out the storms, but about learning to dance in the rain."

Dads, lets enjoy the journey with our kids together. In the end they are going to trun out all right if we have given them the skills necessary to love God, love themselves and love people. Most of the time they end up surprising you with what they have learned from you and usually it's something really good!


Anonymous said...

You've done a great job, Dad! You and Mom! Thanks. :)

Anonymous said...

Pastor Dan and Veronica are the best examples of parents I have encountered. In general, Pastor's Kids, frequently get a bad rap and a reputation for generally going astray. They are always under a microscope of judgment. Our Pastor's kids are all so submissive and even as teens walk in the love of the Lord. This is so different, I have to say the Pastor's Kids, are excellent examples that he walks the lessons he teaches and his advice works!

Anonymous said...

When I mess up with Nathanael "usually yelling too loud or lose my patients" I have to for my sake and his apologize to him. He may not quite get it now, but it makes me feel so much better. I know as he sees me doing this now he will know how to apologize when he gets older.
When I was growing up it was a different face at home with my parents and a good pretend face at church. I am so thankful that Nathanel sees who we are at church and at home because it does not change. We are the same everywhere we go. We mess up at home and at church and that is alright because we know we are always growing in Christ.

Anonymous said...

Pastor Dad you ROCK!!

- Davy

Anonymous said...

This is Monica speaking. I'd like to say that I've enjoyed reading the e-devos and have been conscientiously trying to incorporate the messages into my life as a wife, mother and daughter of the King. I too, would like to give kudos to my Pastors Dan and Veronica on the wonderful family and children they have brought up and are still bringing up in the ways of the Lord. All their children love and serve the Lord and serve in different areas of ministry in the church. I recently attended a bridal shower that was held in their home. I have never been to their home until that time. I'm sure you'll agree with me in saying their home is filled with the presence of the God, the presence of angels are all about. My husband always says you can tell if the people in a home are praying people because the home has a roenuck (sp)about it...meaning a heavenly presence or glow about it. In that home you feel welcome, at home and at peace within yourself. I love my Pastors and their children and am so honored to call them my brothers and sisters in Christ.

Anonymous said...

This comment is for Chenoa and Jonathon. You guys are doing an excellent job raising Nathaniel. I see him during worship time raising his hands to the Lord. What a beautiful sight to see. Sister Lillian told me that your family went to visit her while she was in the hospital. As your family prayed for her, little nathaniel bowed his head to pray and raised his little hand to the Lord. Sister Lillian said he was so precious and she will never forget it.