You will never possess what you are unwilling to pursue. The question is then, what are you chasing after? The church talks a lot about revival and about how bad we want it and need it but our daily lives truly reveal what we are chasing after.
Jesus said it this way. Where your treasure is, that is where your heart is also.
What do you treasure? It is what you are pursuing every day. For some it is money, for others it is power and position, still others crave attention. Some are looking for love and relationship.
Does your daily pursuit line up with what you really want?
If you are as hungry for an outpouring of the presence of God in your life then you have to make it your daily pursuit.
Remember that reaching is the proof of desire.
Sunday, July 29, 2007
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maybe the definition of revival needs to be altered in our minds. instead of something that looks like a huge church service that never ends with miracles and manifestations of God's glory, we may need to see revival as "an outpouring of the presence of God in your life" on a daily basis regardless of how we feel.
What criteria would we use to determine if we are in a personal revival with the presence of God in our daily life? What does that look like for you?
I really like what every-people had to say. In response to the question Pastor asked...I think to get to that point everything we do, think, and say will automatically revolve around God and our relationship to Him. Our day will be planned around our time spent with Him instead of just going with the flow and whatever life brings for that day (we'll pray later if time permits kind of thing or on Friday with the church prayer group maybe...etc.
In "The Word For The Day" we have 7 lessons titled "Your Quiet Time With God." I was impressed today with the fact that David and Daniel prayed 3 times a day. Don’t get your boxers in a bunch, but the following are some interesting facts about the Muslim Religion:
Muslims are called to prayer 5 times a day. Along with the call to prayer they perform ablutions, meant to purify (cleanse) and prepare the body for presentation before Allah (God). They pray on a mihrab (rug) which is arch shaped and has various symbols on them. The rug is a part of the purity providing a clean place for them to pray. They all place the rug facing Mecca to symbolize unity world wide.
Jews pray 3 times a day. They begin with inward evaluation and repentance. They usually pray standing and bowing during certain portions of prayer; such as any mention of Adonai.
I found this interesting, because as Christians, most of our Religions can’t even agree on which version and/or Scriptures of the Bible are accurate and meant for today. I unfortunately consider myself blessed if I manage just one “Nod at God” per day. I can’t even begin to fathom what we might accomplish, if we all prayed in unity 1 time for 5 minutes, much less 5 times a day. Is it any wonder that abortion, homosexuality, and all other evils devised by the devil are running rampant in the streets of the U.S.? This information made me feel guilty, because I am so irresponsible, and sad, because I consider my God so great, yet do not give Him more attention. These are truly some deep issues to think about. Have a Blessed day in the Lord.
Luv & Bless U,
How does our church feel about praying 5 times everyday at the same time for revival? It really is up to us as a body. I am ready!
Wow! I love what Susan had to say. Susan is right in saying it is up to us as a body. I believe we can commit to pray in unity for revival. It starts with what Pastor preached about in his sermon How To Be Blessed By The Bible. #1 I must receive God's word. #2 I must reflect on God's word and #3 I must respond to God's word. It all goes hand in hand. Last Friday's corporate prayer group was fantastic. A leap in the right direction. Thank you Susan for your dedication to The Word Of The Day, and thank you Pastor for always steering and guiding us in the path God would have us go.
I have found in my walk with the Lord that it's not about the amount of times or time spent in prayer, it's about what happens during that time. What I learn from David and Daniel is not the amount of time or times they prayed, but it is the content of their prayers. So passionate for God so longing for his touch. Why did they stop so many times during the day? Was it out of duty? Were they doing what was expected from them? Read their prayers and you find it was a longing to be with God, to hear his voice to be in the presence of the most high. The times and time spent came out of an intimate relationship they had with their heavenly father. I think we set people up to fall when we tell them you have to pray such and such times and they have to pray for such and such time. Just pray. Forget how long or how many times. That will come once an intimate relationship is established because they won't be able to get enough of the Lord and what he does during that time with him. Oh, to stop what we are doing in the middle of the day or night because we need him, because we can't go one more second without his touch. Our longing for him will make the difference in our prayer life.
My wife asked me to look over the blog and I thank Susan for the research she did in describing how muslims pray 5 times a day. I admire the longing so many of church members are having for regular prayers and a personal revival. In Islam prayers is a way of communicating with Allah (God), it is a direct conversation between you and God with no intercessor needed. We pray five times a day simply because we are commanded by God to do so. For me, prayer is in a sense, going home to visit my father (Allah or GOD or creator). Don't we all like to visit our parents? We love to spent time with them, we love to laught, talk and cry with them. Tell them about our problems, our successes and our dreams. Have you ever noticed how happy your parents get when you visit them ? For those who have grand kids, don't you yearn to see your kids with your grandkids come and visit you? So just imagine how happy God must be feeling when you visit and spent time with him. I totally agree with all bloggers, it is not the amount or number of time you spend during prayer, but it is the quality that counts. In Islam, we are commanded to pray for 5 times a day and we consider it an honor that our father is inviting us to spent that much time with him. If we don't accept the invitation then we are the loser, therefore, we try to do it earnestly and sincerely. It also help us in warding off evil thoughts and temptations, because we know we will be in standing infront of our creator in next couple of hours (an idle mind is the devils workshop). On personal note I changed my lifestyle to plan my day around prayers instead of other way around (i.e. to plan prayers around my life, if it happens good, if not oh well there is always tomorrow!!!). My wife used to always tell me tomorrow is not guaranteed to any one and today is a present. Important realization of this words of wisdom is that all of us has been allotted finite amount of time to live on this earth, GOD has given us the option (our free will) of how we chose to spend it. I personally believe that spending part of this time that GOD has graciously gifted to us, in prayer is the best way of utilizing that time. One last thing that I would like to add, anything that we do with the intention of pleasing GOD is a prayer and form of worship, which means Dad's going to work bringing money home, mom's cooking food, taking care of childrens, kids helping parents, church members helping each other and society.....all other things which one may feel as being mundane chores of life, in reality, if done with intentions to help other and please GOD is a prayer. My wife eloquently state this as "DO IT AS UNTO THE LORD".
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